Lianke Yan - The Four Books

  • ISBN: 978-0-099-56949-7
  • počet stran: 338
  • rok vydání: 2016
  • rozměry: 127x197 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 251g
  • spisovatel: Lianke Yan
In the ninety-ninth district of a sprawling labour camp, the Author, Musician, Scholar, Theologian and Technician - and hundreds just like them - are undergoing Re-education, to restore their revolutionary zeal and credentials. In charge of this process is the Child, who delights in draconian rules, monitoring behaviour and confiscating books.

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Angelos James - The Full Catastrophe

Vydavatel: Random House | Vydáno: 5.7.2017

Cena: 84 Kč
