Křesadlo Jan - Gravelarks

  • ISBN: 978-0-9933773-0-3
  • počet stran: 217
  • rok vydání: 2015
  • rozměry: 135x207 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, pevná
  • hmotnost: 411g
  • spisovatel: Křesadlo Jan
Set in Stalinist-era Central Europe, GraveLarks is a triumphant intellectual thriller navigating the fragile ambiguity between sado-masochism, black humor, political satire, murder, and hope. Zderad, a noble misfit, investigates a powerful party figure in 1950s Czechoslovakia. His struggle against blackmail, starvation, and betrayal leaves him determined to succeed where others have failed and died. This extended edition includes critical texts and analyses with illustrations by Jan Pinkava, Oscar-winning animator. GraveLarks is a fictionalized account of the life of French troubadour poet Villon set in 1950s Stalinist Czechoslovakia. The vagabond and ""bohemian"" Villon is transposed into the vagabond intellectual and ""bohemian"" Zderad. Singing, drinking, deviant sex, and blackmail ensue. The author and publisher Josef Skvorecky described the text as ""the most original, shocking, truthful, and artistically very interesting works of contemporary Czech fiction.""

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Vydavatel: Random House | Vydáno: 6.7.2017

Cena: 220 Kč