Chandler Dominika - Real Life Global Elementary Workbook & Multi-ROM Pack

  • ISBN: 978-1-4082-3513-3
  • počet stran: 120
  • rozměry: 210x297 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 315g
  • spisovatel: Chandler Dominika
Real Life brings English to life and makes learning enjoyable and achievable through practical tasks and evocative topics. Real Life gives students English to talk about issues that are important to their lives. With a light and colourful look and feel, it is more socially oriented with a focus on real people and situations and appeals to average and less motivated students who need a more manageable path to exam success.

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Hobbs Martyn - Real Life Global Elementary Students Book

Vydavatel: PEARSON Longman | Vydáno: 17.7.2017

Cena: 468 Kč