Elsworth Steve - Grammar Practice for Upper-Intermediate Student Book with Key Pack

  • ISBN: 978-1-4058-5300-2
  • počet stran: 224
  • rozměry: 195x251 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 435g
  • spisovatel: Elsworth Steve
Your students * will gain confidence thanks to the short, simple explanations and plenty of practice exercises. * be motivated by the variety of interesting and stimulating exercise types. * be able to find their way around easily thanks to clear signposting, plus a detailed contents page and grammar index. * learn more than just grammar with the new vocabulary sections, including word building. * be able to assess their progress regularly with the new scored self-check pages * be able to do further practice and self-testing with the brand new CD-ROM.

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Vydavatel: PEARSON Longman | Vydáno: 18.7.2017

Cena: 717 Kč