Potter Jocelyn - Level 5: Land of New Hope CLIL

  • ISBN: 978-1-4082-8698-2
  • počet stran: 32
  • rozměry: 186x230 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 75g
  • spisovatel: Potter Jocelyn
Ronan and Patrick Dooley are brothers. In 1921, they leave their family in Ireland to start a new life and a better future in New York City in America. Between 1892 and 1924, 12 million immigrants arrived in New York. They were usually poor, but believed in 'The American Dream' - if you work hard, you can get a good job, a nice home and money. Today, New York is still a place of hope for new immigrants - just like Ronan and Patrick.

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Vydáno: 18.7.2017

Cena: 209 Kč
