Shakespeare William - Level 4: The Merchant of Venice Book and MP3 Pack

  • ISBN: 978-1-4082-8956-3
  • počet stran: 88
  • rozměry: 129x198 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 113g
  • spisovatel: Shakespeare William
Classic / British EnglishBassanio wants to get married, but he has no money and a lot of debts. He asks his friend Antonio for a loan, but Antonio is waiting for his ships to return. Until then, he has nothing to lend. To help Bassanio, he borrows money from a money-lender – and agrees to an unusual condition. If Antonio cannot repay the loan in three months, the money-lender will cut a pound of flesh from his body. Will Antonio be able to repay the loan? Or will he die?

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