Hall Diane - MyGrammarLab Advanced with Key and MyLab Pack

  • ISBN: 978-1-4082-9911-1
  • počet stran: 410
  • rozměry: 195x265 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 894g
  • spisovatel: Hall Diane
Something new has come that will change the way your students learn, practice and remember grammar. Step 1: take the diagnostic test Step 2: study the grammar in the book and online Step 3: do more practice online Step 4: take the progress test Step 5: need more practice? Go online and do the mobile exercises Step 6: take the exit test to see how much you have learnt With its learning hints and tips, immediate feedback, automatic grading, and grammar tutor videos, this course is ideal for self-study, as well as a grammar reference and practice companion to your English language course. MyGrammarLab Advanced provides grammar practice for the CAE and IELTS exams

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Hall Diane - MyGrammarLab Advanced without Key and MyLab Pack

Vydavatel: PEARSON Longman | Vydáno: 18.7.2017

Cena: 705 Kč