Energy 4 Test CD

  • rok vydání: 2009
  • rozměry: 126x129 mm
  • vazba: CD
  • hmotnost: 26g
  • spisovatel: Elsworth Steve
Kurz určený pro 2. stupeň ZŠ a především pro víceletá gymnázia. Udělena doložka MŠMT. Description: This imaginative course provides the practical tools, training and motivation that teenagers need to learn, remember and use new language. Inspires teenage learners with fresh, exciting content and design - includes a storyline based on teenage characters, games, songs, cultural pages and project work Develops students' vocabulary through a carefully controlled syllabus, regular practice and enjoyable 'Memory Gym' exercises and 'Memory Tips' Builds students' confidence with a logical grammar syllabus, contextualised practice activities and exercises at different levels

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Energy 4 Class Audio CD

Vydavatel: PEARSON Longman | Vydáno: 18.7.2017

Cena: 631 Kč