Selby Claire - Hippo and Friends Starter Pupil´s Book

  • ISBN: 978-0-521-68004-2
  • počet stran: 48
  • rok vydání: 2006
  • rozměry: 218x276 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 239g
  • spisovatel: Selby Claire
A delightful three-level pre-school course based on songs and stories. The Pupil's Book has stories in each unit which are designed to encourage positive attitudes in children such as helping others and sharing. At the end of each unit children have the opportunity to make a simple 'storybook' which they can take home with them. This takes English outside the classroom, making the language more meaningful, and enables parents to be involved in the learning process.

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Selby Claire - Hippo and Friends 1 Pupil´s Book

Vydavatel: Cambridge University Press | Vydáno: 12.10.2017

Cena: 285 Kč