Holden Wendy - Level 4: The Full Monty Book and Multi-ROM with MP3 Pack

  • ISBN: 978-1-292-12152-9
  • počet stran: 76
  • rozměry: 148x210 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 135g
  • spisovatel: Holden Wendy
Engage with learners with Pearson English Active Readers What if students immersed themselves in learning English, not because they had to, but because it was fun and interesting? With this in mind, we have taken your favourite book and film titles and rewritten them for English learners who need an intensive reading experience. Now, students who require more rigorous reading and general English practice in the earlier stages of their learning can choose a very special Pearson English Active Reader that has been finely levelled by expert authors to the CEFR (A1-C1) and Global Scale of English bands. Each one is supported by more extensive teacher's resources on the bundled MultiROM.

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