Fremantleová Elizabeth - The Poison Bed

Penguin Books The Poison Bed
  • ISBN: 978-1-405-92008-7
  • počet stran: 407
  • rok vydání: 2018
  • rozměry: 154x234 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 548g
  • spisovatel: Fremantleová Elizabeth
A king, his lover and his lover's wife. One is a killer. In the autumn of 1615 scandal rocks the Jacobean court when a celebrated couple are imprisoned on suspicion of murder. She is young, captivating and from a notorious family. He is one of the richest and most powerful men in the kingdom. Some believe she is innocent; others think her wicked or insane. He claims no knowledge of the murder. The king suspects them both, though it is his secret at stake. Who is telling the truth? Who has the most to lose? And who is willing to commit murder?

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