Canavan Trudi - Successor´s Promise: Millennium´s Rule, Book 3 of

Orbit Successor´s Promise: Millennium´s Rule,  Book 3 of
  • počet stran: 576
  • rok vydání: 2018
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • spisovatel: Canavan Trudi
International No. 1 bestselling author Trudi Canavan returns with the third instalment in the Millennium's Rule series - her most powerful and thrilling adventure yet. Five years have passed since the Rebels confronted the Raen. Five years, in which Qall - the boy Rielle rescued - has grown up among the Travellers, with no memory of the life that was stolen from him. Five years of chaos, barely contained by Baluka and the Restorers. Worlds are at war, some overrun by deadly machines, some drained of magic by power-hungry sorcerers. As Qall comes of age, and Rielle and Tyen's hard-won peace is threatened, their loyalties are tested - and Qall's very existence is at stake. Because Dahli is still determined to restore Valhan to power, and he will stop at nothing to succeed.

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