Chambers Peppur - Harlems Awakening

Black Hill Press Harlems Awakening
  • počet stran: 184
  • rok vydání: 2014
  • rozměry: 129x199 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 264g
  • spisovatel: Chambers Peppur
Fiction. At eighteen, Harlem Markeson sets out to start a new life in the city for which she's named. Propelled by the violent deaths of her wealthy parents, Harlem takes the first bus out of Greensboro, North Carolina and heads to New York City. There, she's thrown into the clandestine world of an underground speakeasy. Lured by Sisters Ruth and Mary into Lady Magdalena's Manor, a brothel for beautiful dancing girls, Harlem must learn to trust: but who? HARLEM'S AWAKENING is a compelling story set in the 1940's about a young woman who must journey through hell to become the strong person she is meant to be.

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