Beddall Fiona - Discover English Global Starter Activity Book and Student´s CD-ROM Pack

Pearson Discover English Global Starter Activity Book and Student´s CD-ROM Pack
  • ISBN: 978-1-4082-0934-9
  • počet stran: 73
  • rozměry: 217x275 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 206g
  • spisovatel: Beddall Fiona
Open your students' minds with the course that delivers on all levels. Discover English uses simple tried and tested principles to address the needs of the modern student. No class is homogeneous, no two days the same - variety is key! Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the perfect mix of variety and challenge to motivate young learners. Discover the world from your classroom with Discover English! * Expand your students' knowledge along with their English * Four levels two possible starting points, Discover English provides a solid grammar and lexical syllabus with the right amount of variety and challenge to motivate young learners * CEF A1- A2 Learn, Discover, Enjoy!

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