Milbourneová Anna - Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Cinderella

Usborne Publishing Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Cinderella
  • ISBN: 978-1-4095-9911-1
  • počet stran: 14
  • rok vydání: 2014
  • rozměry: 167x196 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, leporelo
  • hmotnost: 235g
  • spisovatel: Milbourneová Anna
Peep Inside is the very young children's lift-the-flap information book series, the younger cousin of the Look Inside series which is, in turn, the younger relative of the bestselling See Inside series. With flaps and holes to peep underneath and through, life at the zoo is revealed. Snippets of information are combined with intriguing and stylish pictures.

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