Johnson Hugh - Hugh Johnson´s Pocket Wine Book 2019

Johnson Hugh Hugh Johnson´s Pocket Wine Book 2019
  • ISBN: 978-1-78472-482-5
  • počet stran: 338
  • rok vydání: 2018
  • rozměry: 96x196 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, pevná
  • hmotnost: 301g
  • spisovatel: Johnson Hugh
Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book is the essential reference book for everyone who buys wine - in shops, restaurants, or on the internet. Now in its 42nd year of publication, it has no rival as the comprehensive, up-to-the-minute annual guide. Hugh Johnson provides clear succinct facts and commentary on the wines, growers and wine regions of the whole world. He reveals which vintages to buy, which to drink and which to cellar, which growers to look for and why. Hugh Johnson's Pocket Wine Book gives clear information on grape varieties, local specialities and how to match food with wines that will bring out the best in both. This new edition also contains a special supplement on Organic, Natural and Biodynamic wines.

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Vydavatel: Triton | Vydáno: 12.3.2019

Cena: 169 Kč