Kid s Box 1: Classware CD-ROM

Cambridge University Press Kid s Box 1: Classware CD-ROM
  • ISBN: 978-0-521-14037-9
  • počet stran: 4
  • rok vydání: 2009
  • rozměry: 136x193 mm
  • vazba: CD-ROM
  • hmotnost: 110g
  • spisovatel: Nixon Caroline
Kid's Box Classware offers you an exciting way to use the Pupil's Book material in class. Whether you've got a computer and projector or an interactive whiteboard, this classroom software facilitates 'heads-up' learning, encouraging your students to interact even more with each other and with their learning material. As well as containing all of the lessons from the Pupil's Book, this Classware also offers the class listening exercises plus audio scripts and flashcards. What's more, the easy-to-use Kid's Box Classware features comprehensive teacher's tips to make sure you get the most out of this classroom more

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