Margolius Ivan - Jan Kaplicky Drawings

Margolius Ivan Jan Kaplicky Drawings
  • počet stran: 212
  • rozměry: 313x315 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, pevná
  • hmotnost: 1886g
  • spisovatel: Margolius Ivan
Features the drawn designs for some of Kaplicky's best work - including the International Space Station - An excellent reference for architects and students of architecture Jan Kaplicky (1937-2009) was a visionary architect with a passion for drawing. It was his way of discovering, describing and constructing; and through drawing he presented beguiling architectural imagery of the highest order. Many of his sketches, cutaway drawings and photomontages are brought together and celebrated in this book. These drawings date from the early years of his independent practice, Future Systems, in the 1970s, to his final ink drawings, executed in the mid-1990s. Featured projects range from design studies for the International Space Station, undertaken with NASA, to the Media Centre at Lord's Cricket Ground, in London, winner of the 1999 Stirling Prize.

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