Iggulden Conn - Shiang : Empire of Salt Book II - For fans of Joe Abercrombie

Penguin Books Shiang : Empire of Salt Book II - For fans of Joe Abercrombie
  • ISBN: 978-0-718-18677-7
  • počet stran: 368
  • rok vydání: 2019
  • rozměry: 130x198 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 263g
  • spisovatel: Iggulden Conn
IF THESE STONES COULD SPEAK . . . THEY WOULD CALL FOR WAR. In Shiang, the young king rules without dissent. Mazer swordsmen stand watch on every corner, looking for the first sign of rebellion. This city is a place of quiet and slow dignity, like a man eating rice with a razor pressed against his throat. Yet with one sharp movement, order is overturned. The balance of centuries is undone in the sudden spill of blood - and in the darkness, something terrible returns to Shiang. Far to the west, four Shiang masters approach the city walls of Darien. The sword saint and his companions have crossed a continent to bring an old man home for punishment. They will not be denied, even if the whole city stands in their way. TWO ANCIENT CITIES. ONE FINAL WAR.

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