Hunt Tristram - Building Jerusalem : The Rise and Fall of the Victorian City

Penguin Books Ltd Building Jerusalem : The Rise and Fall of the Victorian City
  • ISBN: 978-0-141-99012-5
  • počet stran: 589
  • rok vydání: 2019
  • rozměry: 129x198 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 445g
  • spisovatel: Hunt Tristram
'History writing at its compulsive best' A. N. Wilson This is a history of the ideas that shaped not only London, but Manchester, Glasgow, Liverpool, Leeds, Birmingham, Sheffield and other power-houses of 19th-century Britain. It charts the controversies and visions that fostered Britain's greatest civic renaissance. Tristram Hunt explores the horrors of the Victorian city, as seen by Dickens, Engels and Carlyle; the influence of the medieval Gothic ideal of faith, community and order espoused by Pugin and Ruskin; the pride in self-government, identified with the Saxons as opposed to the Normans; the identification with the city republics of the Italian renaissance - commerce, trade and patronage; the change from the civic to the municipal, and greater powers over health, education and housing; and finally at the end of the century, the retreat from the urban to the rural ideal, led by William Morris and the garden-city movement of Ebenezer Howard.

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