Verne Jules - Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: Children´s Edition)

Verne Jules Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: Children´s Edition)
  • ISBN: 978-1-4351-6215-0
  • počet stran: 480
  • rok vydání: 2016
  • rozměry: 164x212 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, pevná
  • hmotnost: 780g
  • spisovatel: Verne Jules
A gorgeous edition of Jules Verne's landmark of science fiction and wonder, featuring full-colour art by Milo Winter. When Professor Pierre Aronnax and harpoonist Ned Land join an expedition to hunt a fierce 'whale' that has been sinking ships, they end up as captives of Captain Nemo, who prowls the sea in his magnificent submarine, the Nautilus. There, they discover a mysterious and sometimes dangerous underwater world.

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Vydavatel: Agentura Kultura | Vydáno: 9.8.2013

Cena: 171 Kč

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