Palahniuk Chuck - Consider This : Moments in My Writing Life after Which Everything Was Different

Little, Brown Book Group Consider This : Moments in My Writing Life after Which Everything Was Different
  • počet stran: 288
  • rok vydání: 2020
  • rozměry: 137x206 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, pevná
  • hmotnost: 330g
  • spisovatel: Palahniuk Chuck
Renowned, bestselling novelist Chuck Palahniuk takes us behind the scenes of the writing life, with postcards from decades on the road and incredible examination of the power of fiction and the art of storytelling. In this spellbinding blend of memoir and insight, bestselling author Chuck Palahniuk shares stories and generous advice on what makes writing powerful and what makes for powerful writing. With advice grounded in years of careful study and a keenly observed life, Palahniuk combines practical advice and concrete examples from beloved classics, his own books, and a"kitchen-table MFA" culled from an evolving circle of beloved authors and artists, with anecdotes, postcards from the road, and much more. Clear-eyed, sensitive, illuminating, and knowledgeable, Consider This is Palahniuk's love letter to stories and storytellers, booksellers and books themselves. Consider it a classic in the making.

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