Cummins Jeanine - American Dirt : ´Spectacular... a life-affirming triumph´ Independent

Headline Publishing Group American Dirt : ´Spectacular... a life-affirming triumph´ Independent
  • počet stran: 480
  • rok vydání: 2020
  • rozměry: 134x234 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: -180g
  • spisovatel: Cummins Jeanine
FEAR KEEPS THEM RUNNING. HOPE KEEPS THEM ALIVE. Vivid, visceral, utterly compelling, AMERICAN DIRT is the first novel to explore the experience of attempting to illegally cross the US-Mexico border. Described as 'A Grapes of Wrath for our times' (Don Winslow) it is a story that will leave you utterly changed. Yesterday, Lydia had a bookshop. Yesterday, Lydia was married to a journalist. Yesterday, she was with everyone she loved most in the world. Today, her eight-year-old son Luca is all she has left. For him, she will carry a machete strapped to her leg. For him, she will leap onto the roof of a high speed train. For him, she will find the strength to keep running.

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