Davies Susan - Pearson Test of English General Skills Booster 4 Students´ Book w/ CD Pack

PEARSON Education Limited Pearson Test of English General Skills Booster 4 Students´ Book w/ CD Pack
  • rok vydání: 2011
  • rozměry: 210x297 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 475g
  • spisovatel: Davies Susan
The Skills Boosters, produced by the test developers themselves, offer guided practice of exam tasks, grammar and vocabulary activities, test tips and five practice tests.Five complete practice tests in exam-accurate formatSkills development sections with extra practice on key skills such as listening, reading, speaking and writingVocabulary and grammar practice sections that focus on the language related to the themes of the testsStrategies and test tips for typical exam tasksA writing guide with model answers and writing guidance for each exam task typeA Glossary with new words and phrases per unitA Teacher's overprinted editionAudio CDs with authentic test questions

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Vydavatel: PEARSON Education Limited | Vydáno: 2.11.2020

Cena: 432 Kč