Salaberri Sagrario - Islands 3 Activity Book plus PIN code

Salaberri Sagrario Islands 3 Activity Book plus PIN code
  • počet stran: 112
  • rok vydání: 2012
  • rozměry: 217x280 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 265g
  • spisovatel: Salaberri Sagrario
The Activity Book provides reinforcement and consolidation of the language presented in the Pupil's Book. It is organised as follows: * A Welcome unit of four lessons, for use after the corresponding Pupil's Book pages. *Eight units divided into ten lessons (as in the Pupil's Book). * A Goodbye unit of four lessons (as in the Pupil's Book). *Eight festival lessons at the back of the book for use at Bonfire Night, Christmas, Easter and Wimbledon. *Unit review activities. These are linked to corresponding grammar points in the Pupil's Book. * A Picture Dictionary at the back of the book to help pupils to review and remember the target language.

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