Vincent Daniel; Lewis Samantha - Own it! 4 Student´s Book with Practice Extra

Cambridge University Press Own it! 4 Student´s Book with Practice Extra
  • počet stran: 144
  • rok vydání: 2020
  • rozměry: 220x276 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 390g
  • spisovatel: Vincent Daniel; Lewis Samantha
We live in a rapidly changing world. With Own It!, teens develop the confidence and competencies they need to forge their own path in this ever-evolving global landscape. From developing critical and creative thinking skills and social/emotional aptitudes to working effectively in a group, Own it! helps create confident, future-ready learners who are able to meet the challenges ahead. The Student's Book includes full access to all digital tools for students, including mobile-friendly Practice Extra and the digital collaboration space.

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