Redston Chris - face2face Elementary Workbook with Key

Cambridge University Press face2face Elementary Workbook with Key
  • počet stran: 88
  • rok vydání: 2005
  • rozměry: 219x276 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 285g
  • spisovatel: Redston Chris
The Workbook offers additional practice of all the language taught in the Student's Book. It also features a Reading and Writing Portfolio linked to the CEF, which contains lessons to be used either for self-study or in class. A list of Can do statements helps students to track their own progress in reading and writing. The Workbook also features a removable Answer Key, as well as Self-study exercises for every lesson of the Student's more

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Vydavatel: Cambridge University Press | Vydáno: 17.12.2019

Cena: 299 Kč