Baxter Steve - Pearson Test of English General Skills Booster 3 Students´ Book w/ CD Pack

PEARSON Education Limited Pearson Test of English General Skills Booster 3 Students´ Book w/ CD Pack
  • rok vydání: 2010
  • rozměry: 205x296 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 424g
  • spisovatel: Baxter Steve
The Skills Booster provides five complete practice tests which follow the format of the test so that you can: * Understand the features and format of the test * Learn how to respond to each item type * Practice answering authentic questions prepared by the test developers * Practice items for each of the language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking * Focus on the language related to the themes of the test with vocabulary and grammar practice sections * Study new words and phrases for each unit with the Glossary * Improve test-taking strategies with test tips, the writing guide and model answers for each exam task type

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