Bulfinch Thomas - Bulfinch´s Mythology: Stories of Gods and Heroes

Bulfinch Thomas Bulfinch´s Mythology: Stories of Gods and Heroes
  • počet stran: 392
  • rok vydání: 2015
  • rozměry: 138x203 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 520g
  • spisovatel: Bulfinch Thomas
Stories of Gods and Heroes, originally published in 1855, is the first of three works that make up Bulfinch's Mythology, by Thomas Bulfinch. A useful and concise guide to the gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman mythology, this text was used in history classrooms for over a century. Bulfinch's writing is an attempt to expand the enjoyment of classic literature for the common reader, explaining the allusions made to mythology in so many other titles of the day.

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