National Geographic Kids Almanac 2022, International Edition

 National Geographic Kids Almanac 2022, International Edition
  • počet stran: 352
  • rok vydání: 2021
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
Kids can have fun keeping up with our quickly changing world with the New York Times best-selling almanac, packed with incredible photos, tons of fun facts, adventures with National Geographic Explorers, crafts, activities, and fascinating features about animals, science, nature, technology, conservation, and more. The 2022 edition features a new Kids vs. Plastic chapter that's packed with ideas on how to reduce your plastic waste. There's a whole chapter full of fun and games, including activities, jokes, and comics. Practical reference material, including fast facts and maps of every country, is fully updated. Homework help on key topics is sprinkled throughout the book

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