Benway Robin - Far From The Tree

Benway Robin Far From The Tree
  • počet stran: 384
  • rok vydání: 2018
  • rozměry: 130x198 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 270g
  • spisovatel: Benway Robin
'Sometimes, family hurts each other. But after that's done you bandage each other up, and you move on. Together. So you can go and think that you're some lone wolf, but you're not. You've got us now, like it or not, and we've got you.' When 16 year-old Grace gives up her baby for adoption, she decides that the time has come to find out more about her own biological mother. Although her biological mum proves elusive, her search leads her to two half-siblings she never knew existed. Maya, 15, has been adopted by wealthy parents and seems to have the picture-perfect family - that is, if you look past her alcoholic mother and the fact that Maya stands out like a sore thumb. Older brother Joaquin hasn't been so lucky. At 18, he's shuffled between foster home after foster home, always careful never to get attached to anyone or anything, because it always gets taken away. When these three siblings come together, they find in themselves the place they can belong, while the secrets they guard threaten to explode...

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Vydavatel: Simon & Schuster Ltd | Vydáno: 24.8.2021

Cena: 203 Kč