Callier Pepper de - Common Sense Wisdom: A Trusted Companion for Your Life and Career Journey

Callier Pepper de Common Sense Wisdom: A Trusted Companion for Your Life and Career Journey
  • počet stran: 256
  • rok vydání: 2021
  • rozměry: 98x191 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, pevná
  • hmotnost: 318g
  • spisovatel: Callier Pepper de
For over fifty years, Pepper de Callier has been collecting quotes. But not just any quotes. Throughout his research and engagement with people as the founder and Executive Director of Prague Leadership Institute, he has identified quotes that have changed lives. Drawn from the world's greatest writers, thinkers and leaders from across the ages, and illuminated by Pepper's insights as one of Europe's preeminent career and life coaches, Common-Sense Wisdom: A Trusted Companion for your Life and Career Journey has the power to trigger self-awareness, honest reflection, and the compass points to help you find your own direction. Whether you are a CEO, recent graduate, or working your way through the normal ups and downs of personal and professional growth, these common-sense insights will help you view challenges and opportunities in a whole new way, and turn around even the most difficult of days.

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