Baraclough Carolyn; Gaynor Suzanne - Gold Experience B1 Student´s Book & Interactive eBook with Digital Resources & App, 2nd

Baraclough Carolyn Gold Experience B1 Student´s Book & Interactive eBook with Digital Resources & App, 2nd
Preparing for exams prepares students for life Gold Experience offers an engaging experience in teaching Cambridge exams to teens. The second edition continues to provide the perfect balance between preparing for exams and building language and skills for the real world, now with an up-to-date content and a fresh design. A wealth of video resources immerses students in authentic language with a range of accents, allowing them to meet real people and explore the issues that interest them. New digital tools support teaching and lesson planning, as well as motivating students in the classroom and on the go with the Pearson Mobile App. Eight levels create a realistic, satisfying pace of learning, taking teen students from A1 right up to C1 Advanced.

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