Hnízdová Eva - Why Didn´t They Leave?

Hnízdová Eva Why Didn´t They Leave?
  • počet stran: 200
  • rok vydání: 2021
  • rozměry: 138x216 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 434g
  • spisovatel: Hnízdová Eva
You can't ask for asylum in another country just because your mother drives you nuts, so when 19-year-old Zuzana flees from communist Czechoslovakia to England in 1972, she says she just wants freedom. Her relationship with her mother, Magda - a Holocaust survivor who lost most of her family in the concentration camps - is toxic and Zuzana finds happiness in London with a loving husband and beautiful son. But when her mother dies, Zuzana is crushed by guilt and feels an overwhelming urge to discover more about her family's tragic history. So, she embarks on a life-changing journey, discovers some incredible stories and tries to answer the question which haunts her: Why didn't they leave?

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Vydavatel: Sagit | Vydáno: 25.11.2021

Cena: 118 Kč