Sims Lesley - The Nativity

Sims Lesley The Nativity
  • počet stran: 22
  • rok vydání: 2021
  • rozměry: 150x152 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, leporelo
  • hmotnost: 152g
  • spisovatel: Sims Lesley
One starry night, a long, long time ago, a very special baby was born. Follow the animals, the shepherds and three wise men to say hello to him. Beautifully illustrated by Ag Jatkowska, this delightful retelling of the Nativity story has been specially written for little children. This is a revised edition of the title previously published as Baby Jesus.

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Vydáno: 10.12.2021

Cena: 169 Kč
