Pearse Lesley - Suspects

Pearse Lesley Suspects
  • počet stran: 378
  • rok vydání: 2022
  • rozměry: 131x198 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 280g
  • spisovatel: Pearse Lesley
In Willow Close, everyone is a suspect . . . On the day Nina and Conrad Best move into their new home in picture-perfect Willow Close, a body is discovered. Hurrying inside, they see horrified residents gather around a police cordon - one of their neighbours has been brutally killed in the woods. As police interview witnesses, they soon discover each resident hiding their own secrets. Because few in the Close are exactly who they seem. Nina and Conrad thought they'd found their dream home. But have they moved into a nightmare?

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