Kusaka Hidenori - Pokemon Adventures: X*Y 1

Kusaka Hidenori Pokemon Adventures: X*Y 1
  • počet stran: 283
  • rok vydání: 2022
  • rozměry: 128x190 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 260g
  • spisovatel: Kusaka Hidenori
Awesome Pokemon adventures inspired by the best-selling Pokemon X and Y video games! X was a Pokemon Trainer child prodigy. He hated being in the spotlight, so he took to hiding in his room and avoiding everyone-including his best friend Y. But now a surprise attack has brought X out of hiding! Now it's up to X to use the skills that made him champion to defeat the threat looming over Vaniville Town. Can the reclusive X and the determined Y help their friends ward off two Legendary Pokemon and the mysterious Team Flare?!

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Vydavatel: Viz Media | Vydáno: 5.5.2022

Cena: 118 Kč