Milbourneová Anna - The Stormy Day Little Board Book

Milbourneová Anna The Stormy Day Little Board Book
  • počet stran: 20
  • rok vydání: 2021
  • rozměry: 151x152 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, leporelo
  • hmotnost: 160g
  • spisovatel: Milbourneová Anna
Storms can be scary, especially for little children. In sing-song text, this comforting tale about a stormy day by the sea tells children all about what happens in a storm. The wind is loud, the clouds big and black, and that grumbly noise in the sky is thunder. Lightning flashes, and thunder rumbles, and if you count, you can tell if the storm is coming or going away. But there's nothing to worry about - all storms pass. After the storm comes calm again - and lots of interesting things to find on the beach. With online audio to hear the story read aloud.

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