Marreová Letish - A Glasshouse of Stars

Marreová Letish A Glasshouse of Stars
  • počet stran: 263
  • rok vydání: 2021
  • rozměry: 131x198 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 236g
  • spisovatel: Marreová Letish
Meixing Lim and her family have arrived in the New Land to begin a New Life. Everything is scary and different. Their ever-changing house is confusing and she finds it hard to understand the other children at school. Yet in her magical glasshouse, with a strange black-and-white cat, Meixing finds a place to dream. But then Meixing's life comes crashing down in unimaginable ways. Only her two new and unexpected friends can help. By being brave together, they will learn how to make the stars shine brighter.

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