Punter Russell - Skunks in Trunks

Punter Russell Skunks in Trunks
  • počet stran: 30
  • rok vydání: 2020
  • rozměry: 211x211 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 108g
  • spisovatel: Punter Russell
A gang of excitable skunks is off to the water park for a fun afternoon. Their aquatic antics soon land them in trouble - but perhaps they can put their swimming skills to good use? This entertaining story with simple rhyming text and stylish illustrations is a delight to share with young children, or for beginner readers to read themselves, with parent's notes on phonics at the back. With a QR code to listen to the story online.

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Vydáno: 11.5.2022

Cena: 212 Kč