Asano Inio - Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 6

Asano Inio Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 6
  • rok vydání: 2019
  • rozměry: 148x210 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 246g
  • spisovatel: Asano Inio
It's just an everyday apocalypse. Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again. But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary. The collaboration between the S.E.S. and the Self-Defense Forces is going beautifully as Hujin Type 9s patrol the streets of Tokyo and the slaughter of the Invaders reaches an all-time high. It's almost enough to distract the populace from the ominous smoke coming from the mother ship! Meanwhile, Kadode is getting used to having an Invader living in her apartment. His delicious cooking almost makes up for the constant threat of watching him get slaughtered in front of her eyes by vigilante exterminators!

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Asano Inio - Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 7

Vydavatel: Viz Media | Vydáno: 10.6.2022

Cena: 254 Kč