Price Tirzah - Pride and Premeditation

HarperCollins Publishers Pride and Premeditation
  • počet stran: 360
  • rok vydání: 2021
  • rozměry: 150x220 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, pevná
  • hmotnost: 440g
  • spisovatel: Price Tirzah
Perfect for fans of the Lady Janies and Stalking Jack the Ripper, the first book in the Jane Austen Murder Mysteries trilogy is a clever retelling of Pride and Prejudice that reimagines the iconic settings, characters, and romances in a thrilling and high-stakes whodunit. When a scandalous murder shocks London high society, seventeen-year-old aspiring lawyer Lizzie Bennet seizes the opportunity to prove herself, despite the interference of Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, the stern young heir to the prestigious firm Pemberley Associates. Convinced the authorities have imprisoned the wrong person, Lizzie vows to solve the murder on her own. But as the case-and her feelings for Darcy-become more complicated, Lizzie discovers that her dream job could make her happy, but it might also get her killed. Three of Jane Austen's classic novels receive a murder mystery makeover in this romantic and thrilling three-book series that's perfect for fans of The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy. Pride and Premeditation is followed by Sense and Second-Degree Murder, in which aspiring scientist Elinor Dashwood and her sister Marianne, a budding detective, work together to solve the mystery of their father's murder.

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