Itagaki Paru - Beastars 4

Viz Media Beastars 4
  • počet stran: 210
  • rok vydání: 2020
  • rozměry: 148x211 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 242g
  • spisovatel: Itagaki Paru
At this high school, instead of jocks and nerds, the students are divided into predators and prey. At a high school where the students are literally divided into predators and prey, friendships maintain the fragile peace. Who among them will become a Beastar-a hero destined to lead in a society naturally rife with mistrust? As gray wolf Legoshi continues to grapple with his feelings for dwarf rabbit Haru, he discovers another member of the Drama Club is friendly with her too. But just how friendly...? Meanwhile, someone else is developing feelings for Legoshi. And Bengal tiger Bill is threatening to reveal some disturbing truths about someone's past...

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Itagaki Paru - Beastars 6

Vydavatel: Viz Media | Vydáno: 16.6.2022

Cena: 254 Kč