Thomas Angie - Nic Blake and the Remarkables: The Manifestor Prophecy

Thomas Angie Nic Blake and the Remarkables: The Manifestor Prophecy
  • ISBN: 9781529506549
  • jazyk: angličtina
  • počet stran: 335
  • vazba: brožovaná
  • spisovatel: Thomas Angie
From the superstar author of The Hate U Give comes a thrilling fantasy for readers aged 9+. It's not easy being Remarkable in a world where standing out is dangerous... Nic Blake is a Manifestor. All she wants is to learn the Gift, so she can be as powerful as her dad ... until she discovers a shocking secret. Now she must find a powerful magical weapon, or risk losing him for ever. Book 1 of Nic Blake and the Remarkables

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