Laurenová Christina - The True Love Experiment

  • ISBN: 9780349433639
  • jazyk: angličtina
  • počet stran: 409
  • vazba: brožovaná
  • spisovatel: Laurenová Christina
They're crafting the perfect Hollywood romance for the screen. But the chemistry behind the camera might be the real story. Felicity 'Fizzy' Chen is lost. Sure, she has an incredible career as a beloved romance novelist with numerous bestsellers to her name, but when she's asked to give a commencement address, it hits her: she hasn't been practising what she's preached. She hasn't been in love. In lust? Sure. But that swoon-worthy, can't-stop-thinking-about-him, all-encompassing feeling? Nope. And suddenly the optimism she's encouraged in her readers starts to feel like a lie. Connor Prince, documentary filmmaker and single father, loves that his work allows him to live near his daughter. Then his profit-minded boss orders him to create a reality TV show, putting it all in jeopardy. Desperate to find his romantic lead, a chance run-in with an exasperated Fizzy offers Connor the perfect solution. What if he could show the queen of romance herself falling head-over-heels? But when production on The True Love Experiment begins, Connor wonders if that perfect match will ever be in the cue cards for him too.

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