kolektiv autorů; Waic Marek - In the Shadow of Totalitarism

   Sport and the Olymic Movement in the "Visegrád Countries" 1945-1989

Karolinum In the Shadow of Totalitarism
The monograph In the Shadow of Totalitarianism Sport and the Olympic Movement in the “Visegrád Countries” 1945–1989 is devoted to the history of sport in selected countries of Central Europe from the end of World War II until the end of the 80s, i. e. communist regimes downfall. The development of sport and the Olympic Movement in Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary are observed in mutual interaction with ideologically homogenous and totalitarian systems whose metamorphoses of power were different within the chronological development in the above mentioned period of time.

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kolektiv autorůWaic Marek - bestselery:

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