Future Simple or Present Continuous?

 Future Simple or Present Continuous?
  • rozměry: 180x258 mm
  • vazba: Hry
  • hmotnost: 366g
Is your future unpredictable or planned? Don’t know the answer? Figure it out with English Future tenses board game. Dream and plan your future in an incredible scenery of flying UFOs. Items: 1 board, 60 cards with verbs, 1 dice, 4 counters, instructions. "Passion for languages is what we try to implement into young learners at our school. Carefully chosen games are incorporated into every lesson to show the students show much fun learning a language can be. Once I returned from a conference with my bag bulging with REGIPIO games. The children loved them on the spot and I was happy to finally come by interesting games on grammar. The series „Mix of English Tenses” overcomes the students’ reluctance to learn the tenses. Good manufacture and nice graphics are a pleasure to the eye and an additional value which makes lanuage study a nice experience. I highly recommend the REGIPIO products to anyone who wants to transform the learning process into an adventure." Creative Language School

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