Worrall Anne - Excellent 1 Posterpack

  • počet stran: 8
  • rozměry: 210x297 mm
  • vazba: Karty
  • hmotnost: 203g
  • spisovatel: Worrall Anne
Help your students achieve real results with this motivating series that offers the right level of challenge. Pupils are encouraged to practise all four language skills from the beginning through tasks that relate to their own lives and stimulate their imaginations.

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Nejbližší tituly v katalogu:

Future Simple or Present Continuous?

Vydáno: 17.7.2017

Cena: 464 Kč

Hearn Izabella - English Adventure 4: Teacher´s Boo

Vydavatel: PEARSON Longman | Vydáno: 17.7.2017

Cena: 782 Kč