Atlantean Kodex - Annihilation Of Bavaria

Soulfood Annihilation Of Bavaria

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Seznam skladeb
1. From Shores Forsaken
2. Pilgrim
3. Trumpets of Doggerland
4. Sol Invictus
5. Bilwis
6. Heresiarch
1. Twelve Stars and an Azure Gown
2. Der Untergang Der Stadt Passau
3. Enthroned in Clouds and Fire
4. White Goddess Unveiled
5. The White Ship
6. Kodex Battalions
7. A Prophet in the Forest
8. The Atlantean Kodex
1. From Shores Forsaken
2. Pilgrim
3. Trumpets of Doggerland
4. Sol Invictus
5. Bilwis
6. Heresiarch
7. Twelve Stars and an Azure Gown
8. Der Untergang Der Stadt Passau
9. Enthroned in Clouds and Fire
10. White Goddess Unveiled
11. The White Ship
12. Kodex Battalions
13. A Prophet in the Forest
14. The Atlantean Kodex

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Související tituly:

Atlantean Kodex - Annihilation.. (CD+DVD)

Vydavatel: Soulfood | Vydáno: 14.7.2017

Cena: 998 Kč

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