Berlis Monika - Roadmap C1 Advanced Teacher´s Book with Digital Resources & Assessment Package

PEARSON Education Limited Roadmap C1 Advanced Teacher´s Book with Digital Resources & Assessment Package
  • rok vydání: 2020
  • rozměry: 222x305 mm
  • vazba: Kniha, paperback
  • hmotnost: 754g
  • spisovatel: Berlis Monika
The Teacher’s Book features a host of support materials to help teachers get the most out of the course: - Teacher’s notes for every unit with warmers, fillers, alternative suggestions, advice on dealing with tricky language items, culture notes etc. - Teaching tips on useful areas such as dealing with mixed abilities, teaching grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, using video etc. - Grammar and vocabulary photocopiable worksheets for every unit - Class audio and video scripts, word lists and answer keys. - Photocopiable GSE Portfolios for learners to complete and illustrate with examples of assignments completed, test results etc. - Assessment package featuring unit and mid/end course tests with audio scripts and answer keys.

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Vydavatel: Citadelle | Vydáno: 16.6.2021

Cena: 765 Kč